Photo of Luke

Luke Madaus

Meteorologist | Cloud-based weather and climate analytics

Primary areas of research include data assimilation methods, crowdsourced observations, mesoscale dynamic meteorology and forecast verification

Curriculum Vitae LinkedIn Twitter: @lmadaus

Currently working as a Staff Scientist and Geophysical Solutions Engineer at Jupiter

Phone Observation Plot

Crowdsourced Weather Observations

The explosion of connected devices in recent years has opened up new opportunities for weather observations at scales and frequencies previously unthinkable. I am exploring crowdsourced and non-traditional observation platforms (such as backyard weather stations or smartphone pressure observations) for their use in weather forecasting and verification.


Foreast Adjustment Plot

Data Assimilation for Short-Term Prediction

Frequently-updating, convection-allowing operational ensemble forecasts are right around the corner, but much work is needed to determine how to efficiently maximize the value of dense observations to support these high-resolution modeling efforts. I have ongoing work developing four-dimensional (4D) and object based data assimilation methods to address these needs.


CI Example Plot

Surface Observations and Convective Initiation

My PhD thesis work investigates how assimilating standard surface weather observations at high spatial and temporal frequency may improve short-term storm-scale forecasts of convective initation.
